Glasgow Daily Photo

A photo a day from Scotland’s biggest city.

Lines and curves

Posted by Jackie on October 9, 2009


Here’s a view looking up at Glasgow’s Central Station.

I’m no train spotter type, but Central *is* a brilliant station.

8 Responses to “Lines and curves”

  1. Andrew said

    Looks great. How about some more of the station please.

  2. Katya said

    Very interesting lines and curves!!! It really does look quite amazing!

  3. Babzy said

    beautiful lines !

  4. Sven said

    Agree with Andrew, more Central pics!

  5. It’s a magnificent piece of engineering structure, but I wouldn’t want to be the one who has to clean that glass!

  6. An unconventional, unintentional, unignorable design! Nicely shot!

    Pixellicious Photos

  7. Linda said

    I think I’ve only been there once, on a west coast route from London to Edinburgh. It looks much more aesthetically pleasing than Queen Street!

  8. […] Lines and curves « Glasgow Daily Photo […]

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