Glasgow Daily Photo

A photo a day from Scotland’s biggest city.


Posted by Jackie on December 16, 2009




I thought I’d get the less clear photos out of the way in one day – these are just a handful of the buskers that were along the length of Buchanan Street and playing simultaneously (I think the word “cacophany” just about sums it up). The guys in the middle made me laugh, especially the sax player and the guy on the right, when they took their instruments away from their mouths it turned out they had attached their beards to the instruments rather than to themselves. It was all a bit surreal).

2 Responses to “Buskers”

  1. Re the guys in the center image: what a hoot!

  2. Katya said

    Phew….I was getting a wee bit confused there for a minute. Good thing you provided some clarification!! Those shepherds look they must have been hysterical!!!! Beards attached to instruments…too funny!!!!

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